As a “computer visualist” I combine technology and aesthetics, be it at work or in my free time. This is done by means of art, education, philosophy and psychology.
Computational visualistics, for example, transforms statistical data into visually appealing simulations or industrial or medical datasets into visual tools that make it easier to plan production or operations processes.
Computer graphics has long ceased to play a role in video games; Everywhere in industry and media, advertising, films or small appliances, the graphics come from the computer. Virtual and augmented reality applications merge content from the computer with reality.
My free time is determined by computer visualistics, e.g. photography, image editing, drawing and modeling. But also in the theater visual media are used and introduced into the game. The connection between these fundamentally different topics takes place through imagination and a pronounced curiosity about science.
My focus has evolved over time from the evolving side to the organization through the accomplished projects. As part of Scrum and Kanban teams, I got to know the agile implementation of projects. In 2019, I acquired my Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) and soon after my Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I) Certificate.
During my time as a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Düsseldorf, I was able to combine the technical areas of computer graphics and image processing with didactics and the implementation of projects by Scrum.
I worked on the following projects or developed them independently:
Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences / ETH Zurich (2015-2019): Sudden Stratospheric Warming (SSW) events are driven by big waves and can influence the weather worldwide. Using new techniques of 3D computer graphics by Prof. Dr. Daniela Domeisen of ETH Zurich and Dipl.-Inform. Alexander Wollert developed alternative visualizations of fields in the stratosphere and in the troposphere in order to investigate new perspectives on El Niño, the sudden warming of the stratosphere and their effects on surface weather. The first visualization received an award from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Image Competition

HOCCER, ART + COM, Cologne / Bonn (2013-2015): Hoccer is the safest messenger application for private communication. Transport and end-to-end encryption provide the sender and receiver with the highest level of security for mobile data transfer. This combined with Hoccer’s data economy make Hoccer the safest messenger on the market. Hoccer does not need your phone number or email address to create an account or to add your friends. read more…

T-GALLERY, ART + COM, Cologne / Bonn (2013-2015): How to make the future tangible? This is a common question when it comes to innovation. In the T-Gallery in Bonn, visitors will experience usable, new technologies and services directly in everyday situations, and from the perspective of the end user, they will be able to understand how connected life and work can look in the future. read more…

INFOSTROM, Fraunhofer FIT, Sankt Augustin (2011-2013): Learning Information Infrastructures in Crisis Management Using the Example of Power Supply: The InfoStrom research project focused on technical support for inter-organizational cooperation and inter-organizational recovery work in the event of a power failure. All technologies, concepts and methods for the improvement of interorganisational communication, information and coordination processes were developed and evaluated in cooperation of the University of Siegen, Fraunhofer FIT, PSI Transcom, RWE, SAP Research and with the districts Rhein-Erft and Siegen-Wittgenstein. read more…

FRAPORT VISUALIZATION & SIMULATION (FraVIS) Fraport AG, Frankfurt am Main Airport (2010-2011): For the visualization of glare effects, in this example by possible phtotovoltaic systems on the grounds of Frankfurt Airport, a simulation tool was developed which is used for every second of the Year in different light conditions measures how much which flight route is affected. This is represented numerically and graphically. read more…

MedVIS Medical Visualization, University of Koblenz / Federal Armed Forces Hospital Koblenz (2008): Data sets from CTs and MRTs provided by the BWZK were presented in three dimensions by software of the project group MedVIS and enhanced by interactive transfer functions so that dedicated regions were visualized exclusively and in color. read more…